Morant & Mishaps: The Importance of Surrounding Yourself with Supportive and Smart People

Memphis, Tennessee

The recent suspension of Ja Morant, the star guard of the Memphis Grizzlies, has once again put the spotlight on the importance of making wise decisions and having a supportive circle of individuals. As an influential figure in the world of basketball, Morant’s actions both on and off the court carry significant weight. It is crucial for him to recognize the need for change, not only in his own behavior but also in the people he chooses to surround himself with.

A Pattern of Irresponsible Behavior:

The recent incident involving Morant, in which he was seen holding a gun in a social media video, is not the first time he has found himself in hot water. Earlier this year, he was suspended for holding a gun while intoxicated at a Denver club. These incidents demonstrate a concerning pattern of behavior that demands attention and reflection.

Recognizing the Need for Change:

In an interview following his previous suspension, Morant expressed remorse and acknowledged the gravity of his actions. He admitted the need for personal growth, highlighting his understanding of the potential consequences he faces. However, changing his behavior alone may not be enough; he must also evaluate the company he keeps.

Surrounding Yourself with the Right Influences:

The saying “you are the company you keep” holds true in Ja Morant’s situation. To truly transform his mindset and make better decisions, Morant must surround himself with individuals who will provide him with guidance and support. Having positive role models and mentors can help him navigate the challenges that come with his status as a professional athlete.

The Dangers of Perpetuating Gun Culture:

Guns have long been ingrained in American culture, and their popularity is often perpetuated by movies, music, and other forms of media. It is essential for athletes like Morant, who have a large following, to recognize the influence they hold over their fans—along with what is going on in the background regarding gun culture. By making responsible choices and distancing themselves from behaviors that glorify guns and gang related culture, they can help shape a safer and more responsible culture, all together.

The Impact on the Memphis Grizzlies:

Morant’s actions not only affect his personal life but also have repercussions for his team, the Memphis Grizzlies. The organization has taken swift action by suspending him pending a league review, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a positive image and ensuring the well-being of the team as a whole. It is imperative for Morant to understand the impact of his choices on his career, teammates, and fans.

Moving Foward:

Ja Morant’s recent suspension once again highlights the significance of making sound decisions and surrounding oneself with smart and supportive individuals. As he strives for personal growth and transformation, Morant must take stock of the people he allows into his life. By choosing individuals who encourage responsible behavior and positive values, he can work towards becoming a better role model for both his teammates and his fans. The journey to self-improvement starts with recognizing the need for change, and for Ja Morant, it is crucial that he embraces this opportunity to surround himself with the right influences and make better decisions both on and off the court.

It has not been released how the Grizzlies intend to handle Morant’s punishment, but experts are expecting a far more severe punishment this time—some even thinking it could ultimately be a half-season suspension.

Chan Robinson

Journalist/News Analyst